Our Love Story
First time we meet: JP's story
October 2014It was during the National Conference, way back in October of 2014, that I first met Elsheryn. I was then serving as an event marshal while she was part of the production ministry. We were both assigned to the same area–sharing the responsibility for crowd control and also assisting the elderly in their use of comfort rooms. During those moments of serving together, her dedication and passion in serving the ministry were undeniable. But what really inspired me the most was her love and devotion to God and people. It was then that I started to have an interest in her–desiring to talk to her and get to know her more, but since we were just students back then, I restrained myself and just chose to only admire her from afar, for so many years.

Courtship stage: El's story
November 26th, 2022JP always presents himself best for me. He's got his life properly planned out. That included honoring and going through the right process of pursuing me–making himself accountable and guided by his spiritual leaders. His maturity, strong leadership, and unwavering convictions rooted in Biblical principles are also qualities that I deeply admire of him. So on November 26th, 2022, just after our lunch at Kuya J's resto, we had a deep and meaningful conversation in Burrow Café in Antipolo Beehouse. It was right then, that I said yes to his courtship. Afterwards, he then immediately asked my parents' permission to court me.
Becoming a couple: El's story
July 8, 2023On July 8, 2023, I said yes to this beautiful and purposeful relationship! JP is truly one of a kind. The more I get to know him, the more I am amazed by his personality, values, and principles in life. JP would always amaze me with his love–constantly pursuing me as if he’s courting me every day, though we were already together. I always thank my God for fulfilling one of His promises to me through his life.

Marriage Proposal: JP's story
May 16, 2024#EngagedInJesusMission
With much clarity and purpose, I knew deep in my heart that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Elsheryn.
I wanted to bring our relationship to the next level so we could serve God better, together.
Our annual church mission often takes us to different places. And for me, the airport is a significant place for our relationship since this is where our paths diverge for a greater purpose. Each departure we have towards our missional service for God carries the assurance that our relationship is centered on Christ and strengthened by our shared calling to serve Him.
So on May 16, 2024, before boarding the plane and going to our different assigned locations, I proposed marriage to Elsheryn.
I purposely proposed to her at the airport as a reminder that we are not just engaged as a couple but we are also engaged in doing Jesus' mission.